At Chichen Itza, you can walk around the archeological site, admire all the Mayan Ruins. You can also feel the real Mayan spirit in this place, But…
Is it possible to climb Chichen Itza Pyramid?
The Kukulkan Pyramid, also commonly known as El Castillo, is the most impressive building in the Chichen Itza archaeological site, and one of the tallest in all of the Mayan architecture.
Unfortunately for visitors, no, Chichen Itza Pyramid is not allowed to climb. Luckily for all the locals and culture lovers, the main Mayan Building of Chichen Itza can’t be climbed. In this way, we contribute to preserving this sacred site.

Chichen Itza, Mexico – Tourists climb the steep stairway up the Mayan pyramid of Kukulkan, 1980s-1990s
Years ago, the Chichen Itza Pyramid used to be claimed by tourists. Could you imagine the view? But one day, a couple of tourists had an accident while they were climbing, one of them died. These visitors were older adults and maybe they felt tired and then happened the worst. Due to this event, the cultural authorities decided to ban this activity since then.
Current Situation at Chichen Itza’s archeological
We got some rumors about Chichen Itza’s illegal climbing. Apparently, there are some people offering this “tour” in Chichen Itza which allows you to climb the Castle. We don’t exactly know how this works but it seems that you enter as an investigator out of the visiting hours.
We highly recommend you not do these kinds of activities in any sacred place you go to. You contribute to deteriorating this important Mayan site in Mexico. So, if someone what to offers you a “special package” do not accept. Buy your Chichen Itza tickets at the entrance of the archeological site, that’s the only official way to enter.
Also, we recommend you follow all the new protocols for Covid-19 in Chichen Itza.
Thank you for reading!